
Drilling Fluids Manufacturing Company


Energy, Industry Equipment Factory (EIEF) has established documented, implemented and maintained a Quality, Health, Safety & Environment Management System and continually improves its effectiveness as per requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standards. To implement and continually improve the effectiveness of the QHSE Management Systems, the Energy, Industry Equipment Factory has managed to:

. Identify the processes needed for the QHSE Management Systems and their applications throughout the organization
. Determine the sequence and interaction of these processes
. Determine criteria and methods required to ensure the effective operation and control of these processes
. Ensure the availability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of these processes
. Monitor, measure, and analyze these processes
. Implement actions necessary to achieve the planned results and continual improvement of these processes.


Our Vision

Our vision is to become the leading global enterprise in specialty chemical production and marketing for oilfield manufacturing industry with assured quality and timely supply.

Energy Industry Equipment Factory